VladimirP. VIZGIN

S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHST RAS), Moscow, Russia

Email: vlvizgin@gmail.com

Personal URL: http://ihst.ru/iiet/structure/vizgin/

Additional Information: https://ufn.ru/authors/personal/1235/vizgin_vladimir_p-f942dfce.pdf

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2855-5086

Scopus Author ID: 6507423009

Web of Science ResearcherID: G-4223-2016

SPIN code: 8938-1395

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (speciality: 07.00.10 History of science and technology), Senior Researcher, Principal Researcher at IHST RAS

Research interests:

history of physics in the 19th and 20th century (particularly, history of relativity theory and history of fundamental interactions), social history or Russian physics (history of the Soviet atomic project, in particular)

Membership in scientific associations:

  • International Academy of the History of Science, Corresponding member (since 2010)
  • Russian Society for History and Philosophy of Science, Honorary member (since 2019)


  • Honorary Worker of Science and High Technologies of the Russian Federation (2021)

Publications in the subject area of the journal “Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki” [“Studies in the History of Science and Technology”]:

  • Istoriya nauki kak “istoriya redkostnykh fluktuatsii mysli i nauchnoi raboty…vrode Arkhimeda i N'yutona” [The history of science as “the history of rare fluctuations of thought and scientific work ... like Archimedes and Newton”], Science management: theory and practice, 2021, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 207-226. DOI: 10.19181/smtp.2021.3.4.19 (in Russian)
  • Epistemologicheskie dobrodeteli i poroki A. Einshteina [Albert Einstein’s epistemic virtues and vices], Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2021, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 175-195. DOI: 10.5840/eps202158468 (in Russian)
  • O dvukh programmakh sinteza fundamental'noi fiziki KhKh v.: k 100-letiyu geometricheskoi polevoi programmy i 60-letiyu otkrytiya simmetrii standartnoi modeli v fizike elementarnykh chastits [On the two synthetic programs of the fundamental physics in the XXth century: to the centenary of the geometric field program and 60th anniversary of the discovery of standard model symmetry in the elementary particles], Science management: theory and practice, 2021, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 185-210. DOI: 10.19181/smtp.2021.3.2.8 (in Russian)
  • Fenomen upushchennykh vozmozhnostei v nauchnykh revolyutsiyakh v fizike ХХ v. [Phenomen of the scientific revolutions missed opportunities in the fundamental physics of the XXth century], Metafizika [Metaphysics], 2021, no. 2(46), pp. 105-124. DOI: 10.22363/2224-7580-2021-2-105-124 (in Russian)
  • Revolyutsionnye 10-20-e gody: fizika ot Kopernika do sovremennosti s vysoty ptich'ego poleta [The Revolutionary Tens and Twenties: A Bird’s­Eye View of Physics from Copernicus to Modern Times], Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki [Studies in the History of Science and Technology], 2021, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 46-70. DOI: 10.31857/S020596060014190-1 (in Russian)
  • I “komediya oshibok”, i “drama lyudei”: ob otechestvennom vklade v sozdanie standartnoi modeli v fizike elementarnykh chastits [“Comedy of mistakes” and “drama of humans”: on the domestic contribution to the creation of the standard model of elementary particle in physics], Science management: theory and practice, 2020, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 196-224. DOI: 10.19181/smtp.2020.2.3.11 (in Russian)
  • Metafizicheskie aspekty standartnoi modeli v fizike elementarnykh chastits i istorii ee sozdaniya [Metaphysical aspects of the standard model of the elementary particles physics and the history of its creation], Metafizika [Metaphysics], 2020, no. 3(37), pp. 39-56. DOI: 10.22363/2224-7580-2020-3-39-56 (in Russian)
  • Uroki istorii sovetskogo atomnogo proekta [Some lessons from history of the soviet atomic project], Science management: theory and practice, 2019, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 145-163. DOI: 10.19181/smtp.2019.1.2.9 (in Russian)
  • S.I. Vavilov: “…na oshibkakh vyrastaet nauka” [S.I. Vavilov: “… from mistakes the science grows up”], in: Issledovaniya po istorii fiziki i mekhaniki. 2016-2018 [Studies in the History of Physics and Mechanics. 2016-2018], V.P. Vizgin, Executive Editor. М.: Yanus-K, 2019. Pp. 287-318. (in Russian)
  • “Erlangenskaya programma” i fizika [“The Erlangen program” and physics]. 2nd edition, amended and appended. Series “Physico-mathematical heritage: physics (history of physics).” М.: Lenand, 2019. 120 p. (in Russian)
  • Vikhrevaya dinamika razvitiya nauki i tekhniki. SSSR-Rossiya. Vtoraya polovina ХХ veka: Tom III Samoorganizatsiya, turbulentnyi perekhod i dissipatsiya [Vortex Dynamics of the Development of Science and Technology. Russia/USSR Second Half of the 20th Century: Vol.3: Self-Organisation, Turbulent Transition, and Dissipation], Baturin, Yu. M. (ed.). М.: IIET RAN; Saratov: OOO Amirit, 2019. 836 p. (with Aksenov, G.P., Allakhverdyan, A.G., et al.) https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42436923 (in Russian)
  • Vikhrevaya dinamika razvitiya nauki i tekhniki. Rossiya/SSSR. Pervaya polovina ХХ veka. Тom 2. Ekstremal'nyi rezhim razvitiya nauki i tekhniki [Vortex dynamics of the development of science and technology. Russia/USSR. First half of the 20th century. Vol. 2. The extreme regime of the development of science and technology], Baturin, Yu. M. (ed.). М.: IIET RAN; Saratov: OOO Amirit, 2018. 721 p. (with Aksenov, G.P., Baturin, Yu.M., et al.) https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36257349 (in Russian)
  • Vikhrevaya dinamika razvitiya nauki i tekhniki. Rossiya/SSSR. Pervaya polovina ХХ veka. Тom 1. Turbulentnaya istoriya nauki i tekhniki [Vortex dynamics of the development of science and technology. Russia/USSR. First half of the 20th century. Vol.1. Turbulent history of science and technology], Baturin, Yu. M. (ed.). М.: IIET RAN; Saratov: OOO Amirit, 2018. 658 p. (with Aksenov, G.P., Allakhverdyan, A.G., et al.) https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35398581 (in Russian)
  • “Svetnost' bytiya”: ob elektromagnitno-polevoi programme v fizike [“Lightness of being”: on the electromagnetic field program in physics], Metafizika [Metaphysics], 2017, no. 3(25), pp. 24-41. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36414790 (in Russian)
  • K istorii nauchnogo soobshchestva fizikov SSSR i Rossii [Towards the history of scientific community of physicists in the USSR and Russia]. Saarbruecken (Deutschland): Lambert Academic Publ., 2016. 164 p. (with Kessenikh, А.V.) (in Russian)
  • “Mozhet li filosofiya stat' nashei putevodnoi nit'yu na puti k okonchatel'noi teorii?” [“Is it possible for philosophy to become our guiding thread on the way to the final theory?”], Metafizika [Metaphysics], 2016, no. 2(20), pp .138-152. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=26691499 (in Russian)
  • Razvitie vzaimosvyazi printsipov invariantnosti s zakonami sokhraneniya v klassicheskoi fizike [The development of correlation between the principles of invariance and conservation laws in classical physics]. 2nd edition. M.: Lenand, 2016. 248 p. (in Russian)
  • Gravitatsionnaya shkola D.D. Ivanenko [D.D. Ivanenko's gravitational school], History of Science and Engineering, 2016, no. 2, pp. 3-17. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25684302 (in Russian)
  • Nauchno-shkol'nyi podkhod k istorii otechestvennoi fiziki [Scientific-school's approach to the history of russian physics], History of Science and Engineering, 2016, no. 1, pp. 3-23. (with Kessenikh, А.V.) (in Russian)
  • Kvanty i relyativizm. K 130-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya N. Bora [Quants and relativism. In commemoration of the 130th anniversary of birth of N. Bohr], Vestnik Rossijskoj Akademii nauk [Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences], 2015, vol. 85, no. 12, pp. 1123-1133. DOI: 10.7868/S0869587315120178 (in Russian)
  • Einshtein i matematiki (k 100-letyu sozdaniya obshchei teorii otnositel'nosti) [Einstein and mathematicians (for the 100th anniversary of the creation of the general theory of relativity)], Metafizika [Metaphysics], 2015, no. 3(17), pp. 135-156. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25502054 (in Russian)
  • Ot mira Minkovskogo k tenzorno-geometricheskoi kontseptsii gravitatsii: genezis substantsial'noi kontseptsii prostranstva-vremeni i geometricheskogo miroponimaniya (k 150-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya G. Minkovskogo i 100-letiyu obshchei teorii otnositel'nosti) [From Minkowski's world to the tensor-geometric concept of gravitation: the genesis of the substantial concept of space-time and geometric world view (for the 150th anniversary of the birth of hermann minkowski and the 100th anniversary of the general relativity theory)], Metafizika [Metaphysics], 2014, no. 3(13), pp. 9-29. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23145991 (in Russian)

Participation in grants:

  • RFH publication grant (2014) for the publication of a collective monograph “Towards the study of the phenomenon of Soviet physics in the 1950s and 1960s” (14-03-16011d), project leader

Contact information:

14, Baltiyskaya ul., Moscow, 125315, Russian Federation

+7 (495) 988-22-80

Email: vlvizgin@gmail.com