Valentin Georgievich SMIRNOV

Russian State Naval Archive (RGAVMF), St. Petersburg, Russia


Personal URL:

SPIN code: 6172-0174

Doctor of Historical Sciences (speciality: 07.00.10 History of science and technology), Director of RGAVMF

Research interests:

history of science and technology; naval history; history of marine cartography, hydrography, meteorology, oceanography, polar research

Membership in scientific associations:

  • Russian Geographical Society, member (1996)
  • Hydrographical Society, member (1996)
  • Russian Historical Society, member (2018)
  • International Commission for the History of Meteorology, member (2010)
  • Russian Association of Historians of the USA, member (2011)


  • Certificate of merit from the Chair of the Russian Historical Society (2021)
  • Letter of commendation from the President of the Russian Federation (2021)
  • IHST RAS medal “For the contribution to the history of science and technology” (2011)
  • Badge “Expert in cartography” (2002)
  • Badge “Honoured worker of the navy” (1996)
  • Medal “300 years of Russian Navy” (1996)

Membership in the editorial boards of other journals:

  • “Notes on hydrography” (St. Petersburg, Russia)
  • “Samara Archivist” (Samara, Russia), editorial board member

Publications in the subject area of the journal “Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki” [“Studies in the History of Science and Technology”]:

  • Admiral F.V. Dubasov i Murmanskaya nauchno-promyslovaya ekspeditsiya [Admiral F.V. Dubasov and the Murman Fishery-Research Expedition], Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki [Studies in the History of Science and Technology], 2020, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 135-142. DOI: 10.31857/S020596060008425-9 (in Russian)
  • Moryak, izobretatel', vospitatel', istorik i publitsist (k 175-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya F.F. Vrangelya) [Sailor, inventor, educator, historian and publicist (on the 175th anniversary of the birth of F.F. Wrangel], Marine collection, 2019, no. 1, pp. 31-35. (in Russian)
  • “Budu otstaivat' poruchennuyu mne pozitsiyu do poslednei krainosti…”. K 200-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya generala flota F.F. Veselago [“I will defend the position entrusted to me to the last extreme ...”. To the 200th anniversary of the birth of General of the Fleet F.F. Veselago], Voyenno-istorichesky zhurnal [Military Historical Journal], 2017, no. 4, pp. 74-80. (in Russian)
  • Publication of nautical charts of the Japanese coasts by Russian military hydrographers in the 1880s (based on the materials of the RGAVMF), in: Tokyo Daigaku Shiryo Hensan-jo Kenkyu Kiyo. March 2017, no. 27. Historiographical Institute. The University of Tokyo. 2017. pp. 60-71. (in Japanese)
  • “Svyazannye odnoi tsel'yu…” Perepiska akademika M.A. Rykacheva i professora L.A. Bauera (1907-1911) [“Bound by the same goal...” Correspondence between M.A. Rykachev and l.A. Bauer (1907-1911)], Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki [Studies in the History of Science and Technology], 2016, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 156-175. (in Russian)
  • Pervaya meteorologicheskaya karta Rossii (k 150-letiyu vykhoda v svet) [The first meteorological map of Russia (towards the 150th anniversary of its publication)], Meteospektr, 2015, no. 2, pp. 150-152. (in Russian)
  • Mikhail Aleksandrovich Rykachev i Russkoe geograficheskoe obshchestvo [Mikhail Rykachev and the Russian Geographical Society], Proceedings of the Russian Geographical Society, 2015, vol. 147, no. 3, pp. 65-76. (in Russian)
  • Vklad M.A. Rykacheva v razvitie gidrologii (k 175-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) [Contribution of M.A. Rykachev in the development of hydrology (to the 175th anniversary of his birth)], Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya [Meteorology and Hydrology], 2015, no. 6, pp. 97-102. (in Russian)
  • Poezdka akademika M.A. Rykacheva na Mezhdunarodnuyu meteorologicheskuyu konferentsiyu v Parizh (1896 g.) [Academy fellow M.A. Rykachev's trip to the international meteorological conference in Paris (1896)], Klio, 2014, no. 10 (94), pp. 102-111. (in Russian)
  • Polyarnaya odisseya Aleksandra Kolchaka (k 140-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) [The polar odyssey of Alexander Kolchak (to the 140th anniversary of the birth)], Arctic: ecology and economy, 2014, no. 3 (15), pp. 92-99. (in Russian)
  • Nikolai Yurgens – moreplavatel' i polyarnik [Nikolai Jurgens, the Navigator and Polar Explorer], Proceedings of the Russian Geographical Society, 2014, vol. 146, no. 5, pp. 62-67. (in Russian)
  • Rossiiskie meteorologi i Pervaya mirovaya voina (1914–1918 gg.) [Russian meteorologists and World War I (1914–1918)], Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya [Meteorology and Hydrology], 2014, no. 8, pp. 85-89. (in Russian)
  • M.A. Rykachev – issledovatel' meteornykh dozhdei [M.A. Rykachev, a researcher of meteor showers], Zemlya i Vselennaya [Earth and Universe], 2014, no. 4, pp. 64-68. (in Russian)
  • Akademik M.A. Rykachev i ustroistvo Meteorologicheskoi observatorii vo Vladivostoke [Academician M.A. Rykachev and the organisation of the Meteorological Observatory in Vladivostok], in: Transactions of the Society for Studies of the Amur Region. Vol. XLI. Vladivostok, 2013. Pp. 15-20. (in Russian)
  • Magnitnaya s"emka Rossii v nachale XX v. Issledovanie zemnogo magnetizma v Rossii v XIX v. [Magnetic survey of Russia in the early twentieth century. Study of terrestrial magnetism in Russia in the XIX century], Klio, 2013, no. 5 (77), pp. 68-77. (in Russian)
  • Vrangel' i opyty izmereniya glubin Sredizemnogo morya elektricheskim lotom Shneidera (1866) [Wrangel and the attempts at measuring the depths of the Mediterranean Sea using Schneider’s electric device (1866)], Fundamentalnaya i Prilkadnaya Gidrofizika [Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics], 2013, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 90-93. (in Russian)
  • F.P. Litke, E.Kh. Lents i prilivy [F.P. Litke, Emil Lenz and the tides], Fundamentalnaya i Prilkadnaya Gidrofizika [Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics], 2012, no. 1, pp. 99-105. (in Russian)
  • Akademik M.A. Rykachev – grinvichskii put' v nauku [Academician M.A. Rykachev: a road to science via Greenwich], Klio, 2012, no. 3, pp. 117-125. (in Russian)
  • M.A. Rykachev i uchrezhdenie Magnitno-meteorologicheskoi observatorii na Chernom more [M.A. Rykachev and the establishment of magnetic-meteorological observatory on the Black sea], Klio, 2012, no. 7 (67), pp. 121-125. (in Russian)
  • Inspektsionnaya poezdka akademika M.A. Rykacheva dlya osmotra magnitnykh i meteorologicheskikh observatorii i meteorologicheskikh stantsii na yuge Evropeiskoi Rossii v 1901 g. [The inspection trip of academician M.A. Rykachev for the inspection of magnetic and meteorological observatories and meteorological stations in the south of European Russia in 1901], Klio, 2012, no. 12 (72), pp. 86-92. (in Russian)
  • M.A. Rykachev kak issledovatel' zemnogo magnetizma vo vtoroi polovine XIX veka [M.A. Rykachev, a researcher of terrestrial magnetism in the second half of the 19th century],
    The History of Earth Sciences, 2012, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 5-16. (in Russian)

Participation in grants:

  • RFBR: 18-111-00005 d “International activities of Academician M.A. Rykachev” (2018), project head
  • RFH: 17-01-16082 d “F.F. Wrangel. War. Revolution. Russia. Historico-journalistic works: 1914–1918” (2017), project head
  • RFH: 15-03-16501 d1 “Academy of Sciences in the context of historico-scientific studies (18th – first half of the 19th century)” (2015–2016), project executant
  • RFH: 13-03-00013 а “International activities of Academician M.A. Rykachev: historico-scientific and socio-cultural aspects” (2013-2014), project head

Contact information:

36 Millionnaya st., St. Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation

+7 (812) 312-11-37
