State University of Land Use Planning, Moscow, Russia


Personal URL:

ORCID iD:0000-0003-0839-1416

Scopus Author ID: 57189035297

Web of Science Researcher ID: J-2145-2012

SPIN code: 6722-5696

Profile in Research Gate:

Doctor of Geographical Sciences (speciality:07.00.10 (5.6.6.) History of Science and Technology), Professor, Professorat State University of Land Use Planning (part-time: Head of the Department of Earth Sciences History at IHST RAS)

Research interests:

history of Earth sciences, hydrology, oceanology, limnology, hydrochemistry, water use, history of hydrology, hydrochemistry, geoecology, historical waterways, monuments of hydraulic engineering and nature, social geography

Membership in scientific associations:

  • Russian Geographical Society, member
  • Moscow Society of Naturalists, Chairman of the section “History of Natural Science”


  • Badge of Honor of the State University Land Use Planning“For Knowledge, Diligence and Loyalty” III degree (2018)
  • National Prize “Crystal Compass” in the nomination “Travel and Expedition”(Russian Geographical Society, 2016)
  • Badge of Honor of the State University Land Use Planning“For Merit to the University” (2013)
  • Medal “150 years since the birth of V.I. Vernadsky”(2013)

Membership in the editorial boards of other journals:

  • “History of the Earth Sciences” (Moscow, Russia), editorial board member
  • “RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety” (Moscow, Russia), editorial board member
  • “Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic” (Grozny, Russia), editorial board member
  • “Geology and Geophysics of Russian South” (Vladikavkaz, Russia), editorial board member
  • “Grozny Natural Science Bulletin” (Grozny, Russia), editorial board member
  • “International Agricultural Journal” (Moscow, Russia), editorial council member
  • “Moscow Economic Journal” (Moscow, Russia), editorial council member
  • “International journal of applied sciences and technology” (Moscow, Russia), editorial board member
  • “Natural resource management, GIS & Remote Sensing” (Iran), Editor-in-Chief

Publications in the subject area of the journal “Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki” [“Studies in the History of Science and Technology”]:

  • “Porcha i dobrota” - kachestvo - zagryaznenie vody (istoricheskii aspekt) ["Spoilage and kindness" - quality - water pollution (historical aspect)], The Surgut State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2021, no. 6(75), pp. 10-19. DOI: 10.26105/SSPU.2021.75.6.001 (in Russian)
  • Historic Waterways - A Route For International Cooperation (“Civilization And The Great Historical Rivers”), in: 20th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM2020, 2020, vol. 5.1, pp. 417-422. DOI: 10.5593/sgem2020/5.1/s20.053 (with Likhacheva, Е.)
  • Integrated Geoecological Research of the Landscapes of Historical Waterways of the Russian Plain, 20th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2020, 2020, vol. 5.1, pp. 471-478. DOI: 10.5593/sgem2020/5.1/s20.060 (with Erman, N. and Nizovtsev, V.)
  • “Reki, vpadayushchie v Kaspiiskoe more”: vzglyad cherez stoletiya ["Rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea": a look through the centuries], Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic,2019, no. 2(45), pp. 109-113. DOI: 10.25744/vestnik.2019.45.2.018 (with Savenkova, V.M. ) (in Russian)
  • Kosinskie ozera kak kolybel' rossiiskoi limnologii: istoriya Kosinskoi biologicheskoi stantsiii Kosinskogo zapovednika [Kosinsky lakes as the cradle of Russian limnology: the history of the Kosinsky biological station and the Kosinsky reserve], Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki [Studies in the History of Science and Technology], 2019, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 233-253. DOI: 10.31857/S020596060004936-1 (with Ozerova, N.A.) (in Russian)
  • Problemy vodnykh resursov i vodopol'zovaniya v aridnykh raionakh na primere drevnego i sovremennogo Izrailya [Problems of water resources and water use in arid regions on the example of ancient and modern Israel], Geology and Geophysics of Russian South,2018, no. 3, pp. 75-93. DOI: 10.23671/VNC.2018.3.16549 (with Alexandrovskaya, O.A. and Likhacheva, E.A.) (in Russian)
  • Geoinformation database is the basis of creation of virtual museums on historical waterways of Russia, in: GeoConference SGEM,2018, vol. 18, no. 2.3, pp. 401-407. DOI: 10.5593/sgem2018/2.3/S11.051 (with Nizovtsev, V., Erman, N. and Ozerova, N.)
  • Bol'shoi Stavropol'skii kanal – obvodnitel'no-orositel'naya sistema Severnogo Kavkaza [The Great Stavropol Canal - Irrigation and Irrigation System of the North Caucasus], Grozny Natural Science Bulletin, 2018, no. 1(9), pp. 81-89. DOI: 10.25744/genb.2018.9.14716 (with Sobisevich, A.V.) (in Russian)

Participation in grants:

  • RFBR R 12-05-00316-а: “Hydroecological situation, ecotourism and recreational potential of historical waterways of the European part of Russia” (2012-2014), project head
  • RFBR I 12-05-00527-а: “Patterns of the formation and transformation of river flow and the creation of a hydrological monitoring system within specially protected natural areas” (2012-2014), project executant
  • RFBR R 12-05-10014-k: “Organization and conduct of expeditionary work to study the hydrological and environmental situation and landscape changes in the area of the Volga-Dnieper section of the Great Trade Route “From the Varangians to the Greeks”(2013), project head
  • RHSF 11-03-00340-а:“Monuments of culture and hydraulic engineering in the area of ancient waterways of the European part of Russia of the 16th-19th centuries. (Historical-scientific and historical-geographical analysis)” (2011-2013), project head
  • RFBR R13-05-10021-k: “Organization and conduct of expeditionary work to study the hydroecological situation, ecotourism and recreational potential of the Volga-Dnieper section of the Great Trade Route “From the Varangians to the Greeks”, project head
  • RFBR R 14-05-1001-k: “Scientific project for conducting expeditionary work to study the hydroecological situation, ecotourism and recreational potential of the Upper Volga section of the Great Trade Route “From the Varangians to the Arabs”, project head
  • RHSFI 15-03-00749-а: “Creation of the information resource “Cultural and historical landscape complexes in the territories of ancient waterways of the European part of Russia: a virtual natural and historical museum”, project executant
  • RFBR R 16-05-20272: “Project for the organization of the International Seminar "Scientific heritage of V.V. Dokuchaev: traditions and development of ideas (on the occasion of the 170th anniversary of his birth)”, project head
  • RFBR R 17-05-20568: “Project for the organization of the International Seminar "Scientific heritage and development of A.I.Voeikov's ideas (on the occasion of his 175th birthday)”, project head
  • RFBR R 13-05-07011-d: “Publication of the collective monograph “Tikhvin water system: retrospective and present. Hydrological and ecological situation and landscape changes in the area of the waterway”, project head
  • RFBR R 11-05-07023-d: “Publication of the collective monograph “Vyshnevolotsk water system: retrospective and present. Hydrological and ecological situation and landscape changes in the waterway area”, project head

Contact information:

15 Kazakovastr., Moscow, 105064, Russian Federation

+7 (499) 261-59-79
