On the border of two epochs (Johann Philopon in the arguement with the Aristotelian conception of space)
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On the border of two epochs (Johann Philopon in the arguement with the Aristotelian conception of space)
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Вопросы истории естествознания и техники, On the border of two epochs (Johann Philopon in the arguement with the Aristotelian conception of space)
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Additional sources and materials

1. Pauly-Wissowa R. E. V. IX, 2, Joannes 21, col. 1764—1793 (Gudeman).
2. Sarnbursky S. The Physical World of the Late Antiquty. London, 1962.
3. Saffrey H.-D. Le chrbtien Jean Philopon et la survivance de I’ecole d’Ale.xandrie au Vl-e siecle.— Revue des etudes grecques 67(1954), 396—410.
4. Philoponus Joaniids. In Phys. comment./Ed. Vitelli H. Berlin, 1887; Philoponus Joannes. In de anima comment/Ed. Hayduch M. Berlin, 1897; Philoponus Joannes. In degener et corr. comment./Vitelli H. Berlin, 1897; Philoponus Joannes. In meteor, comment./Ed. M. Hayduck. Berlin, 1901.
5. philoponus Joannes. De aeternitate mundi contra Proclum/Ed. Rabe H. Leipzi
6. Philoponus Joannes. De opificio mundi/Ed. Reichardt G. Leipzig, 1S97.
7, Wieland W. Die Ewigkeit der Welt (Die Gegenwart der Griechen in neuerem Denken).— Festschrift fur H. G. Gadamer zum 60. Geburtstag. Tubingen, 1960.
8. Plato. Tim. 53 B. (Shaton. Sochineniya v trekh to.makh. T. 3. Ch. I. M., 1971, s. 494).
9. Simplicius. In de caelo comment. Ed. Heiberg J. L. Berlin, 1894.
10. Simplicius. In phys. comment.,Ed. Dieis H. Berlin, 1882.
11 Aristoteics. Phvs., 1.201a 10—11 (Aehistotel'. Sochineniya v chetyrekh tomakh. T. 3. M., 1981, s. 104).
12. Simplicius. In phvs. 1140, 13—14.
13. Phvs. A, 4. I87a. 28—29 (T. 3, c. 68).
14. Phys. L. 11. 220a. 24—25 (T. 3, c. 150).
15. De gen. et corr. 220a, 24—25 (T. 3, c. 422—427).
16. Majorov G. G. Formirovanie srednevekovoj filosofii. M., 1979, s. 292—298.
17. Augustinus. Confcssiones. XI, 14 (G. G. Majorov, s. 292).
18. Sarnbursky ,S. r. 122—132.
19. De caelo V, 7. 289a 34—35 (T. 3, s. 319).
20. Meteor. A, 3, 340', 1—2 (T. 3, s. 447).
21. Meteor. A, 3, 341a, 26—27 (T. 3, s. 449).
22. Meteor. A, 3. 341a, 35—36 (T. 3, s. 449).
23. Philophon. In meteor. 47, 18 i dalee.
24. Simplicius. In de caelo 89, 4—7.
25. Psaltir', 18, 2.
26. Simplicius, In de caelo. 90, 12—18.
27. Pervoe poslanie k korinfyanam, 15. 41.
28. Philopon. de opif. IV, 12. 184, 26—185, 13.
29. Simplicius. In de caelo. 89, 16—19.
30. Simplicius. In de caelo. 87, 29—88, 5.
31. Simplicius. In phvs. 1335, 5-16.
32. Simplicius. In de caelo. 134, 24—32.
33. Simplicius. In de caelo 142, 7—17.
34. Philopon. De opif. Sh, 4, Ts6, 26—117, 24.


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