Some pages of Robert Esno-Peltry's scientific biography (to the 100th anniversary)
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Some pages of Robert Esno-Peltry's scientific biography (to the 100th anniversary)
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Вопросы истории естествознания и техники, Some pages of Robert Esno-Peltry's scientific biography (to the 100th anniversary)
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1. Vestnik vozdukhoplavaniya, 1911, № 9. 2. Pionery raketnoj tekhniki. Gan­svindt. Goddard. Ehsno-Pel'tri. Obert. Goman. M., Nauka, 1977.3. Avtomobil' i vozdukhoplavanie, 1910, № 6.
4. Blosse L. Raboty Robera Ehsno-Pel'­ tri v oblasti raketno-kosmicheskoj nauki i tekhniki.— V kn.: Iz istorii aviatsii i kosmonavtiki. Vyp. 17—18.
M., 1972, s. 17—26. 5. Ferber F. Aviatsiya. Ee nachalo i razvitie. S kholma na kholm. Iz goroda v gorod. S materika na materik. (Pere­ vod s frants). Kiev, 1910.6. Tsiolkovskij K. Eh. Issledovanie mirovykh prostranstv reaktivnymi pri­ borami (1911—1912 gg.).— V kn.: Tsiolkovskij K. Eh. Izbrannye trudy.
M., 1962.
7. Tsiolkovskij K. Eh. Kosmicheskaya rake­ ta. Opytnaya podgotovka. Kaluga, 1927. 24 s.8. Tsiolkovskij K. Eh. Raketa v kosmiche­skoe prostranstvo. Kaluga, 1924. 9. Tsiolkovskij K. Eh. Issledovanie mi­rovykh prostranstv reaktivnymi pri­ borami (Dopolnenie k I i II chasti truda togo zhe nazvaniya). Kaluga, 1914.
10. Kosmodem'yanskij A. A. Znamenityj deyatel' nauki K. Eh. Tsiolkovskij. M.: Voenizdat, 1949. 11. Arlazorov M. Tsiolkovskij. M.: Mo­lodaya gvardiya, 1963. 12. Aeronautics, January 1913. 13. Esnault-P eiter le R. Apporatus and Me­ thode for Measurement of the Hertzian Hardness.— Engineer, v. 146, nos. 3788 and 3789 and 3790, 17, 24 and 31 Aug, 1928.14. Esnault-Pelterie R. L’Astronautique, Paris, 1930. 15. Esnault-Pelterie R. L’Astronautique Complement. Paris, 1935. 16. Esnault-Pelterie R. La Navigation in­ tersidérale ou astronautique.— L’Aero- phile, v. 36, 15 March 1928.17. Esnault-Pelterie R. L’Analyse dimensie- onnelle. Lausanne: Rouge, 1948.18. Esnault-Pelterie R. L’Analyse dimen­ sionnelle et métrologie (le système Giorgi). Lausanne: Rouge, Paris: Gau- thier-Villars, 1950. 19. Esnault-Pelterie R. La fusee a longue portée.— Aero France, № 1, 1958. 20. Aero France, 1958, № 1. 21. Gilson P. Les etudes d’astronautique de Robert Esnault-Pelterie.— Pionniers, 1965, № 3, 15 Jan.
22. Chambe R. Histoire de l’Aviation. Paris: Flammarion, 1958. 23. L’Aérophile, 1920, 1—1S Août, l-_ 15 Sept., 1 — 15 Oct. 24. L’Aérophile, 1922, 1—15 Nov. 25. L’Aérophile, 1923, 1—15 Avril, Mai 1—15 Juil. 26. Blosset L. Robert Esnault-Pelterie: Space Pioneer.— First Steps toward space. Smithsonian institution press, City of Washington, 1974. 27. Scherschevsky A. B. Das Raumschiff. Flugsport. 1927, № 20. 28. Bulletin technique de la suisse romande. Lausanne. 1 Lév. 1958. 29. O’Gorman M. Problems’ Relating tc Aircraft.— Flight, v. 3, 25 /March, 1911 30. Flight № 106, Jan 21, 1911. 31. Flight, July 29, 1911.


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