The history of mesons discovery
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The history of mesons discovery
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Вопросы истории естествознания и техники, The history of mesons discovery
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1. Iwanenko D. The neutron hypothesis.— Nature, 1932. v. 129. 2. Heisenberg W. Uber den Bau der Atomkerne.— Z. Phys., 1932, B. 77. 3. Fermi E. Versuch einer Theorie der ß-Strahlen: Z. Phys., 1934, B. 88. .4. Tamm I. Exhange forces between neutrons and protons and Fermi’s theory.— Nature, 1934, v. 133. I 5. Yukawa H. On the interaction of elementary particles.— Proc. Phvs. Math. Soc. Japan, 1935, v. 17. 6. Rossi B. Über die Eigenschaften der durchdringenden Korpuskularstrahlung im Meeresniveau.— Z. Phys., 1933, B. 82. . ! 7. Anderson C. D., Neddermeyer S. H. Energy-loss and the production of secondaries by cosmic ray electrons.— Phys. Rev., 1934, v. 46. 8. Bethe H. A., Heitler W. Ön the stopping of fast particles and on the creation of po­ sitive electrons.— Proc. Roy. Soc., 1934, Al 46. 9. Neddermeyer S. H., Anderson C. D. Note on the nature of cosmic ray particles.— Phys. 
Rev., 1937. v. 51. 10. Street J. C., Stevenson E. C. New evidence for the existence of a particle of mass in­ termediate between the proton and electron.— Phys. Rev., 1937, v. 52. 11. Anderson C., Neddermeyer S. H. Cosmic ray particles of intermediate mass. Phys. J Rev., 1938, v. 54. i 12. Blackett P. M. S. On the instability of the barytron and the temperature effect oi cos-1 mic rays.— Phys. Rev., 1938, v. 54. 1 13. Euler H., Heisenberg W. Theoretische Gesichtspunkte zur Deutung der cosmiscnenf Strahlung.— Ergebn. Exakt. Naturwiss., 1938. B. 17. . | 14. Williams E. J., Roberts G. E. Evidence for the transformation of mesotrons into electrons.— Nature, 1940, v. 145. . _ < 15. Rasetti F. Evidence for radioactivity of slow mesotrons.— Phys. Rev., 1941, v. 59/16. Tomonaga S., Araki G. Effect of the nuclear Coulomb field on the capture oi siowJ measons.— Phys. Rev., 1940, v. 58. 17. Convesi M., Pancini E., Piocioni O. On the disintegration of negative mesons, rnys. Rev., 1947, V. 71. 18. Sakata S., Inoue T. On the correlations between mesons and Yukawa particles. ogr Theor. Phys., 1946, v. 1/19. Tanikawa Y. On the cosmic ray meson and the nuclear meson.— Progr. Theor. rnys. 1947, 2.
20. Marshak R. E., Bethe H. A. On the two-meson hypothesis.— Phys. Rev., 1947, v. 72 21. Lattes S. M. G., Occhialini G. P. S., Powell C. F. Observations on the tracks oi siovy mesons in photographic emulsions.— Nature, 1947, v. 160. ,.22. Leighton R. B., Anderson C. D., Seriff A. I. The energy spectrum of the decay partic - les and the mass and spin of the mesotron.— Phys. Rev., 1949, v. 75.


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