Guidelines for reviewing manuscripts in the journal "Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki"

Guidelines for reviewing manuscripts in the journal "Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki"  

  1. The editorial office of the journal "Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki" considers only original papers unpublished elsewhere either in paper or electronic form. The author bears full responsibility for the scientific content of the article, correctness of citations and descriptions of sources as well as for compliance with the copyright of third parties.
  2. Manuscripts submitted to the editorial office are assessed for compliance with the journal’s scope and formal requirements. In case of violation of the journal’s requirements the manuscript is declined with the author’s notification. Papers not designed according to the journal regulations are returned to the authors for improvement.
  3. All submitted manuscripts meeting the journal’s requirements are subject to peer review. Materials for the sections “Book Review”, “Academic Life” and “In Memoriam” do not require a review, but the editorial board evaluates the material for compliance with the journal’s scope. The editorial board may submit its recommendations to improve the text.
  4. All peer reviewers are recognized experts in the subjects of the reviewed articles and have publications on the subject of the reviewed article for the last three years. Reviews are stored in the archive of the editorial office for five years.
  5. Each article is sent to two reviewers. The reviewing is anonymous both for reviewers and for authors. The review period is up to three months.
  6. The article received two unambiguously positive reviews is recommended for publication.
  7. The paper received two unambiguously negative reviews is not recommended for publication.
  8. If there are a positive and a negative reviews the editorial board can direct the paper to the third reviewer. In this case the decision is taken depending on the ratio of positive and negative reviews.
  9. Recommendations of reviewers are sent to the author. The reworked paper can be reviewed once more. The editorial office reserves the right to reject papers in case of the author’s inability or unwillingness to take into account the recommendations of reviewers and.
  10. The author has the right to get acquainted with the reviews.
  11. The final decision about the publication of manuscripts is made by the editorial board and recorded in minutes of the meeting. The author may receive the extract of the minutes, certified by the editor-in-chief.
  12. The editorial office may transmit copies of anonymous reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation or to other governmental agencies on their demand.

The reviewer should:

  1. Evaluate the compliance of the submitted article with the journal’s scope;
  2. Evaluate the novelty of the paper and the acquaintance of the author with the literature in the field;
  3. Evaluate the literary style of the article;
  4. Give recommendations concerning appropriateness or inappropriateness of publication of the article in VIET. If the reviewer believes that the article is needed in improvement, he or she should give appropriate recommendations.