Guidelines for manuscript submission

  1. Manuscripts are submitted to the editorial office of Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki in the Microsoft Word Format or the Rich Text Format via e-mail from the address that will be used further for correspondence with the author.
  2. Manuscripts should start with a title, an abstract of up to 1500–2000 characters with blank spaces and keywords in the Russian and in the English and contain a list of captions for the illustrations in the end. The information about the author: complete name (both in the Cyrillic and Latin letters), affiliation(s), academic degree, telephones (fixed-line and / or mobile) and e-mail address are indicated in a separate file.
  3. Text of the manuscript should satisfy the following technical parameters: margins (left, right, top, bottom) – 2 cm, font size – 12, spacing – 1, justified alignment, no hyphenation.
  4. Illustrations should be submitted as separate files of good enough quality in JPG or TIFF (preferably) format, numbered in the order of their appearance in the paper and containing in their names the author’s name (Иванов-1.jpg, Иванов-2.jpg and so on).
  5. All bibliographical information is given in automatic footnotes. Footnotes should be numbered in Arabic numerals. The numbering of footnotes is continuous. Bibliographic description of references should be given as follows:
    for books there should be indicated names and initials of authors (separated by a space and marked in italics; in names of authors of books in languages that use the Latin alphabet, the name of the author is separated from the initials by a comma), title of book, publisher location, publisher name, year of publication. For example:
    Берг Л. С. Очерки по истории русских географических открытий. М.; Л.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1946.
    Копелевич Ю. Х., Ожигова Е. П. Научные академии стран Западной Европы и Северной Америки. Л.: Наука, 1989.
    Harwood, J. Styles of Scientific Thought. The German Genetics Community 1900–1933. Chicago; London: The Chicago University Press, 1993.
    Junker, Th., Hoßfeld, U. Die Entdeckung der Evolution. Eine Revolutionäre Theorie und ihre Geschichte. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2001.
  6. for articles in edited books and conference proceedings there should be indicated names and initials of authors, title of article, title of book, names of the editors and (or) collectors, publisher location, publisher name, year of publication, pages. The title of the article is separated from the title of the book with two slashes, the title of the book from the editors’ names with a single slash. For example:
    Полак Л. С. Об одной проблеме аналитической механики Лагранжа // Из истории французской науки / Ред. Б. Г. Кузнецов, А. Т. Григорьян. М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1960. С. 85–115.
    Churchill, F. B. Living with the Biogenetic Law: A Reappraisal // From Embryology to Evo-Devo. A History of Developmental Evolution / M. D. Laubichler, J. Maienschein (eds.). Cambridge (Mass.); London: MIT Press, 2007. P. 37–81.
    for articles in periodicals there should be indicated names and initials of the authors, title of article, title of periodical, year of publication, volume, number (issue), pages. For example:
    Конашев М. Б. Международные генетические конгрессы и советские генетики // Историко-биологические исследования. 2010. Т. 2. №. 2. С. 9–24.
    Сократова Н. Н. Антарктические оазисы: история открытий // ВИЕТ. 2009. № 4. С. 58–76.
    Donaghy, J. Autonomous Mathematical Models: Constructing Theories of Metabolic Control // History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. 2013. Vol. 35. No. 4. P. 533–552.
    Lunteren, F. H., van, Hollestelle, M. J. Paul Ehrenfest and the Dilemmas of Modernity // Isis. 2013. Vol. 104. No. 3. P. 504–536.
  7. When citing a section of a text, only the number(s) of the page(s) containing the citation is indicated. For example:
    Берг Л. С. Очерки по истории русских географических открытий. М.; Л., 1946 С. 18.
    Полак Л. С. Об одной проблеме аналитической механики Лагранжа // Из истории французской науки / Ред. Б. Г. Кузнецов, А. Т. Григорьян. М., 1960. С. 90.
    Конашев М. Б. Международные генетические конгрессы и советские генетики // Историко-биологические исследования. 2010. Т. 2. №. 2. С. 12.
  8. In case of repeated citations only the author’s name, arbitrarily abbreviated title of the work and the number(s) of the page(s) containing the citation is indicated. For example:
    Берг. Очерки по истории… С. 22.
    Полак. Об одной проблеме… С. 98.
    Конашев.. Международные генетические конгрессы… С. 21.
  9. Description of archival materials should contain the exact name of the archive and identifying information used in the archive. For the first time the archive’s name is indicated in full and accompanied by the abbreviated name in brackets. In case of repeated mention of the archive source its name is indicated in an abbreviated form. For example:
    Российский государственный архив экономики (РГАЭ). Ф. 1. Оп. 2. Д. 3. Л. 4.
    РГАЭ. Ф. 2. Оп. 3. Д. 18. Л. 33.
    Hoover Institution Archives (HIA). Karl Popper collection. Box 352. Folder 17.
    HIA. Samuel Johnson collection. Box 14. Folder 3.
  10. Articles should be completed with the section “References”, which should contain the alphabetical list of all references cited in the article (except references to archival materials, oral presentations, and so on). In this list (as opposed to the bibliographic information in the footnotes!) bibliographic description is given according to the Harvard system as follows:
    for books there should be indicated author(s), year of publication, title of book, publisher location, publisher name. For example:
    Harwood, J. (1993) Styles of Scientific Thought. The German Genetics Community 1900–1933. Chicago and London: The Chicago University Press.
    Junker, Th. and Hoßfeld, U. (2001) Die Entdeckung der Evolution. Eine Revolutionäre Theorie und ihre Geschichte. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
    for articles in edited books and conference proceedings there should be indicated author(s), year of publication, title of article, editors of book, title of book, publisher location, publisher name, for example:
    Churchill, F. B. (2007) Living with the Biogenetic Law: A Reappraisal, in: Laubichler, M. D. and Maienschein, J. (eds.) From Embryology to Evo-Devo. A History of Developmental Evolution. Cambridge (Mass.) and London: MIT Press, pp. 37–81.
    Majer, U. and Sauer, T. (2005) Hilbert’s “World Equations” and His Vision of a Unified Science, in: Kox, A. J. and Eisenstaedt, J. (eds.) The Universe of General Relativity. Boston, Basel, and Berlin: Birkhäuser, pp. 259–276.
    for articles in periodicals there should be indicated author(s), year of publication, title of article, title of periodical, volume, number (issue), pages, for example:
    Donaghy, J. (2013) Autonomous Mathematical Models: Constructing Theories of Metabolic Control, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 533–552.
    Van Lunteren, F. H. and Hollestelle, M. J. (2013) Paul Ehrenfest and the Dilemmas of Modernity, Isis, vol. 104, no. 3, pp. 504–536.
  11. All sources in languages that do not use the Latin alphabet should be transliterated in Latin letters in accordance with the tables of the Library of Congress (see: Titles of books and articles should be translated into English and enclosed in square brackets. For example:
    Berg, L. S. (1946) Ocherki po istorii russkikh geograficheskikh otkrytii [Essays on the History of the Russian Geographic Discoveries]. Moskva and Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo AN SSSR.
    Kopelevich, Iu. Kh. and Ozhigova, E. P. (1989) Nauchnye akademii stran Zapadnoi Evropy i Severnoi Ameriki [The Academies of Science of Western Europe and North America]. Leningrad: Nauka.
    articles in edited books and conference proceedings:
    Polak, L. S. (1960) Ob odnoi probleme analiticheskoi mekhaniki Lagranzha [On one of Lagrange’s problems of analytical mechanics], in: Kuznetsov, B. G. and Grigor’ian A. T. (eds.) Iz istorii frantsuzskoi nauki [From the History of French Science]. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo AN SSSR, pp. 85–115.
    articles in periodicals
    Konashev, M. B. (2010) Mezhdunarodnye geneticheskie kongressy i sovetskie genetiki [International Genetics Congresses and Soviet Geneticists], Istoriko-biologicheskie issledovaniia, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 9–24.
    Sokratova, N. N. (2009) Antarkticheskie oazisy: istoriia otkrytii [Antarctic Oases: The History of Discoveries], Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki, no. 4, pp. 58–76.
  12. Submitting manuscripts and illustrations to the editorial office of Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki authors automatically transfer to the journal the right to reproduce partly or wholly on its website and use in electronic publications the author’s works and illustrations published in the journal.