S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHST RAS), Moscow, Russia


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ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1502-2179

Scopus Author ID: 57208600667

Web of Science ResearcherID: F-5135-2016

SPIN code: 3833-7136

Doctor of Historical Sciences (speciality: History of Science and Technology), Professor, Principal Researcher, Head of the Department of Historiography and Source Studies of the History of Science and Technology at IHST RAS

Research interests:

history of science and technology, historiography and source studies of the history of science and technology

Membership in scientific associations:

  • Russian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science, member
  • Russian National Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, member

Other activities:

  • member of RFBR Expert Advisory Board on Science Studies (since 2017)
  • RSF Expert (since 2014)
  • Chair of the Municipal Expert Commission on Book Publishing and Deputy Chair of Moscow City Council on Book Publishing (since 2014)


  • RF Ministry of Education Medal “For the contribution to the implementation of state policy concerned with the development of science and technology” (2021)
  • RAS Certificate of Merit “For many years of dedicated labour for the good of national science in the field of the history of fundamental discoveries and inventions” (2021)
  • Certificate of Merit of the Federal Archive Agency “For many years of dedicated labour, massive contribution to the preservation, acquisition and organisation of work with the documents of the Archives of the Russian Federation, and in connection with the centenary of Russia’s state archival service” (2018)
  • RAS Certificate of Merit “For many years of dedicated labour, vast contribution to the development of national science, consummate professionalism, and successful scientific research” (2017)
  • Certificate of Merit of the Russian Foundation for Humanities “For a massive contribution to the development of the humanities” (2014)
  • Medal “150th Anniversary of Birth of V.I. Vernadsky” (2013)
  • Badge of Honour “For the contribution to the history of science and technology” (2012, IHST RAS)
  • Badge of Distinction “For distinctive service to the city of Moscow. XXX years” (2010)
  • Certificate of Merit of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Trade Union of RAS Workers (1999)
  • Medal “In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow” (1997)

Membership in the editorial boards of other journals:

  • “History and Modern Perspectives” (Ekaterinburg, Russia), editorial board member
  • “Science Management: Theory and Practice” (Moscow, Russia), editorial board member
  • “Kunstkamera” (St. Petersburg, Russia), editorial board member
  • “History of science and biographical studies” (“Історія науки і біографістика”) (Kiev, Ukraine), member of the international editorial council

Publications in the subject area of the journal “Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki” [“Studies in the History of Science and Technology”]:

  • Moskovskii aktsent: G.F. Miller i Moskva XVIII v. [The Moscow accent: G.F. Müller and 18th-century Moscow]. М.: Kuchkovo pole, 2021. 496 p. (in Russian)
  • Vikhrevaya dinamika razvitiya nauki i tekhniki. SSSR-Rossiya. Vtoraya polovina ХХ veka: Tom III Samoorganizatsiya, turbulentnyi perekhod i dissipatsiya [Vortex Dynamics of the Development of Science and Technology. Russia/USSR Second Half of the 20th Century: Vol.3: Self-Organisation, Turbulent Transition, and Dissipation], Baturin, Yu. M. (ed.). М.: IIET RAN; Saratov: OOO Amirit, 2019. 836 p. (with Aksenov, G.P., Allakhverdyan, A.G., et al.) (in Russian)
  • Vikhrevaya dinamika razvitiya nauki i tekhniki. Rossiya/SSSR. Pervaya polovina ХХ veka. Тom 1. Turbulentnaya istoriya nauki i tekhniki [Vortex dynamics of the development of science and technology. Russia/USSR. First half of the 20th century. Vol.1. Turbulent history of science and technology], Baturin, Yu. M. (ed.). М.: IIET RAN; Saratov: OOO Amirit, 2018. 658 p. (with Aksenov, G.P., Allakhverdyan, A.G., et al.) (in Russian)
  • Rainov Timofei Ivanovich: Materialy k biobibliografii [Rainov, Timofei Ivanovich: Materials for biobibliography]. М.: Yanus-K, 2017. 192 p. (“Russian historians of science and technology” series. Iss. IX) (in Russian)
  • Rossiiskie istoriki nauki i tekhniki: sotrudniki IIET RAN [Russian historians of science and technology: IHST RAS staff members]. М.: Yanus-K, 2014. 336 p. (in Russian)
  • Sobol' Samuil L'vovich: Materialy k biobibliografii [Sobol, Samuil Lvovich: Materials for biobibliography]. М.: Yanus-K, 2012. 120 p. (“Russian historians of science and technology” series. Iss. VIII) (with coauthors) (in Russian)
  • Otechestvennaya istoriografiya istorii nauki i tekhniki: Khronika: 1901-2011 [National historiography of the history of science and technology: Chronicles: 1901-2011]. М.: Yanus-K, 2012. 484 p. (in Russian)

Participation in grants:

  • RFH
  • RFBR
  • Fundamental research programmes of the RAS Presidium

Contact information:

14, Baltiyskaya ul., Moscow, 125315, Russian Federation

+7 (495) 988-22-80
