Aethical problems of the contemporary science (from the materials of foreigh research)
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Aethical problems of the contemporary science (from the materials of foreigh research)
Publication type
  1. 22nd Pugwash symposium "Science and ethics". - Encyclopedia mod., Zargeb, 1975, g. 10, N 30/1, s. 18—53.
  2. Science between culture and counter - culture. By Dessaur C. I. Naess A., Reimer E. et al. - Nijmegen: Dekker & van de Vegt, 1975, 9, (108), p. 28.
  3. 22nd Pugwash symposium «Science and ethics»..., s. 53.
  4. The social responsibility of the scientist (Klaw S., Schwartz Ch., Camberlain O. et al.) Ed. by Brown M.—N. 'V.. Free press, 1971.—XI (282 p. - Bibliogr.: 273-282), p. 39.
  5. Science between culture and counter-culture., p. 70
  6. Shils The academic ethos under strain.— Minerva, L., 10 1975, vol. 13, N 1, (p. 1-37), p. 35
  7. The social responsibility of the scientist.., p. 34.
  8. Human rights and psychological research. A debate on psycholog^y ^nd eimc . Based on the Loyola symposium on psychology and ethics. May 2, 1973/Ed. by b.enne dy E —N. Y., Crowell, 1975.—XV, 144 p.—Ind.: p. 143—144; p. 51
  9. Issues in evaluating behavior modification..., p. 239
  10. Falek A. Ethical issues in human behaviour genetics; In: Developmental numan behaviour genetics, Lexington (.Mass.), ets. 1975, p. 179—195; Bennett W., Gunn I. Ьс ^nce that frightens scientists.— Atlantic, Boston, 1977, vol. 239, N 2, p. 43—62.
  11. Sinha U., lohri B. M. Social responsibility of biologists.— Science and culture, Calcutta, 1974, vol. 40, N 6, p. 213—216.
  12. Smi^h M. — In: Human rights and psychological r^se B. Psychology and ethics, arch. N. Y., 1975, (p. 1—22), p. 7
  13. Human rights and psychological research..., p 5
  14. Sinha U.. lohriB. M. Social responsibility of biologists..., p. 213.
  15. Crobstein C. Recombinant DNA research: beyond the NIH guidelines. - Sccience Wash, 1976, Dec. 10, vol. 194, N 9270 (p. 1133—1135), p. 1133.
  16. Bennett 1^., Gurin J. Science that frightens scientists.— Atlantic, Boston, 1977, ? Vol. 239, N 2, (p. 43—62) p. 58.
  17. Oeyn O. Social research and protection of privacy: a review of the Norwegian de velopment.—Acta sociol., Copenhagen, 1976, vol. 19, N 3, p. 249-262.
  18. Veatch R. M. Ethical principles in medical experimentation.—In ffal issues of social experimentation. Wash., 1975, (p. 21—78) p- ob.
  19. In; McRae D. The social function of social science. New Haven 28
  20. Science between culture and counterculture..., p. 31.
  21. Kar S. В. A model for communication intervention: ethical and scientifjc dimen sions.— Ethics in a science & medicine, Oxford etc., 1976, vol. 3, N 3. (p. 149—155), p. 150
  22. Davis В. D. The moralistic fallacy.—Nature, L., 1978, Mar. 30, vol. 272, N 5652,
  23. Eissenberg L. The social imperatives of medical research.—Science, Wash., 1977, Dec. 16, vol. 198, N 4322, p. 1105—1110. ■*9 Science between culture and counter-culture..., p. 22.
  24. Fourez G. Science et pouvoir: wers une nouvelle etique des sciences, velle, Bruxelles, 1976, t. 63, N 3, p. 319—338. 37 p. 390
  25. Cournand A., Meyer M. The scientist’s code.—Minerva, L., 1976, vol. 14, N l, (p. 79—96) p. 94.
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