Aleksei Pavlovich Bolotov (1803-1853),
professor at the Military Academy, was one of the most important geodesists dnd
cartographers in Russia. Bolotov developed his main ideas in the mid-1840s, yet
during his lifetime he did not have a real opportunity to realize them in actual sur
veys due to the political situation at the Russian General Staff. His innovations
came to be fully appreciated only thirty years later, when in the 1870s Russia
reformed its system of military-topographical work. Bolotov’s suggestions
included measuring altitude during surveys, using the Gauss cartographic projec
tion to represent Russia’s territory on maps, instead of Bonne’s projection, and
improving the process of instrument production. He also designed a special system
of hatches (hachures) to represent topographic relief, which differed from the tra
ditional Leman system. Bolotov educated many followers and can be regarded as
the founder of the Russian national tradition in geodesy and cartography.
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