Additional sources and materials
1. Ekeland I. Mathematics and the Unexpected. Chicago; London, 1988.
2. Ekeland I. The Broken Dice. Chicago; London, 1993.
3. zmath/en/advanced/?q=an:0744.00013&format=complete
4. Sur latheorie cinetique des gaz (1894)// Poincare N. Oeuvres. T. 10. Paris, 1954. P. 246
5. Sheynin O. B. On the History of the Statistical Method in Biology // Archive for History of Exact Sciences. Vol. 22. No. 4. 1980. § 5.1.
6. Shejnin O. B. K istorii statisticheskogo metoda v estestvoznanii // Istoriko-matematicheskie issledovaniya. Vyp. 22-23. 1980. S. 392-393.
7. Daxecker F. The Physicist and Astronomer Christopher Scheiner. Innsbruck, 2004.
8. Humboldt A. Kosmos. Vol. 4. New York, 1858. P. 64 note. Anglijskij perevod pyatitomnogo nemetskogo izdaniya 1845-1862 gg.
9. Jennings G. The Journeyer (1319). London, 1985. P. 648.
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